• Sociální coachingСоциальный тренировкаSocial coaching

    Social coaching

    The activity is carried out by the social worker whose responsibility is to raise awareness of the target group about the project, to draft out the individual timetable plan for… Read more →

  • Právní poradenstvíПравовые консультацииLegal counselling

    Legal counselling

    Legal counselling is carried out by the lawyer who is providing legal consultations. General goal of this activity is to provide clients legal assistance to gain for them factual access… Read more →

  • Rekvalifikační kurzyПереподготовчие курсыRequalification courses

    Requalification courses

    This activity is offered to the clients chosen according to certain criteria: a) Personal criteria: knowledge of language, abilities, personal skills, age, length of stay in Czech Republic, vulnerability… b)… Read more →

  • Pracovní místo na zkouškuРабочее место на испытательный срокJobs to try

    Jobs to try

    Paid internship through direct financial support to the employer. Jobs to try are naturally following up requalification courses although it’s not a condition of utilising this activity. Intense cooperation with… Read more →

  • Krátkodobé ubytováníЖильё временного проживанияAccommodation in asylum house

    Accommodation in asylum house

    This activity is supposed to cover the situations of the most intensive vulnerability of youths. Clients being in situation of social exclusion and being homeless will have possibility to be… Read more →

Mladí migranti v tísniМолодые иммигранты в нужде Young immigrants in need

Young immigrants in need

Problem background of the project The target group is consisting of young migrants, including asylum seekers and refugees, undocumented migrants and migrants from countries of EU as well, from 17 to 25 years old residing on the territory of the Czech Republic. This group of people is often marginalized and faces several additional barriers to enter regular labour market. These… Read more →