
Sociální coachingСоциальный тренировкаSocial coaching

Social coaching

The activity is carried out by the social worker whose responsibility is to raise awareness of the target group about the project, to draft out the individual timetable plan for each client, to assist in writing CV, motivation letters, validation of foreign documents, contacting concrete employers etc. Main objective of this activity is to enable young migrants to deal for… Read more →

Právní poradenstvíПравовые консультацииLegal counselling

Legal counselling

Legal counselling is carried out by the lawyer who is providing legal consultations. General goal of this activity is to provide clients legal assistance to gain for them factual access to their legal rights and to overcome negative setbacks leading to the social marginalisation of the clients. Legal counselling is provided in SOZE office in Brno four days a week,… Read more →

Rekvalifikační kurzyПереподготовчие курсыRequalification courses

Requalification courses

This activity is offered to the clients chosen according to certain criteria: a) Personal criteria: knowledge of language, abilities, personal skills, age, length of stay in Czech Republic, vulnerability… b) Factual criteria: actual situation at the local labour market, advantage but not essential is preliminary approval of concrete employer. A link should be established between new labour skills gained by… Read more →

Pracovní místo na zkouškuРабочее место на испытательный срокJobs to try

Jobs to try

Paid internship through direct financial support to the employer. Jobs to try are naturally following up requalification courses although it’s not a condition of utilising this activity. Intense cooperation with client and contracting of the potential employers is an essential condition prior to the factual materialisation of the “jobs to try” tool. The jobs to try will naturally take place… Read more →

Kurzy češtinyКурсы чешского языкаCourses of proficient Czech language

Courses of proficient Czech language

SOZE provides 20 courses during project period. Each course includes 100 hour of lessons and have maximum 10 students in one group. Frequency of the course is 4 hours a week so every course lasts for 25 weeks. Courses are focusing primarily on proficient labour language with regard to the needs of labour integration. The social-cultural courses will also be… Read more →

Krátkodobé ubytováníЖильё временного проживанияAccommodation in asylum house

Accommodation in asylum house

This activity is supposed to cover the situations of the most intensive vulnerability of youths. Clients being in situation of social exclusion and being homeless will have possibility to be accommodated in SOZE asylum house for period of three months. General goal is to prevent homelessness in the most serious cases of social vulnerability of migrants. SOZE will provide asylum… Read more →

Repatriace do země původuРепатриация в стране происхожденияReintegration through voluntary return programme

Reintegration through voluntary return programme

Voluntary return with provided reintegration help is the best way of foreigner´s departure from the country, when his/her residency or social situation became unsustainable or unbearable.  The activity should provide possibility of decent return including purchase of travel tickets, and especially with reintegration help such as assistance in starting business in country of return, assistance in looking for job in… Read more →

Mladí migranti v tísniМолодые иммигранты в нужде Young immigrants in need

Young immigrants in need

Problem background of the project The target group is consisting of young migrants, including asylum seekers and refugees, undocumented migrants and migrants from countries of EU as well, from 17 to 25 years old residing on the territory of the Czech Republic. This group of people is often marginalized and faces several additional barriers to enter regular labour market. These… Read more →